Hands-on Lab - Flutter

Hands-on Lab - Flutter

Discover Flutter in practice.

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1. Introduction

What is Flutter? - History - Architecture

2. DART language

Basics (null, safety, control flow , lambdas...) and Advanced features (async, future...)

3. Getting started

Flutter install, hello world, project structure, pubspec plugins...

4. Widgets

Widget Tree, Stateless/Stateful Widgets, Lifecycle, Data Passing, Resource Management...

5. Async & Network

Asynchronous Programming, Futures, FutureBuilder, Streams, Connecting to the Internet

6. Navigation

Routes Definition, Declaring Routes, Navigating Screens, Transmitting Data, State Management

7. Persistence

Shared Preferences (Definition, Usage), File I/O, Database

Flutter | Tech at Worldline

Who we are


We design payments technology that powers the growth of millions​ of businesses around the world. Engineering the next frontiers​ in payments technology​

  • Leader in payment and secured transactions. ​
  • Over 50bn transactions/year​
  • 7000+ engineers​ in over 40 countries​
  • A huge & diverse​ tech-stack

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Gharbi Ibrahim
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🔗 cv.gharbi.orgopen in new window

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